Source code for bayespy.inference.vmp.nodes.categorical

# Copyright (C) 2011-2012,2014 Jaakko Luttinen
# This file is licensed under the MIT License.

Module for the categorical distribution node.

import numpy as np

from .node import ensureparents
from .expfamily import (ExponentialFamily,
from .multinomial import (MultinomialMoments,
from .dirichlet import DirichletMoments

from bayespy.utils import random
from bayespy.utils import misc

[docs]class CategoricalMoments(MultinomialMoments): """ Class for the moments of categorical variables. """
[docs] def compute_fixed_moments(self, x): """ Compute the moments for a fixed value """ # Check that x is valid x = np.asanyarray(x) if not misc.isinteger(x): raise ValueError("Values must be integers") if np.any(x < 0) or np.any(x >= self.categories): raise ValueError("Invalid category index") u0 = np.zeros((np.size(x), self.categories)) u0[(np.arange(np.size(x)), np.ravel(x))] = 1 u0 = np.reshape(u0, np.shape(x) + (self.categories,)) return [u0]
[docs] @classmethod def from_values(cls, x, categories): """ Return the shape of the moments for a fixed value. The observations are scalar. """ return cls(categories) raise DeprecationWarning() return ( (self.D,), )
[docs] def get_instance_conversion_kwargs(self): return dict(categories=self.categories)
[docs] def get_instance_converter(self, categories): if categories is not None and categories != self.categories: raise ValueError( "No automatic conversion from CategoricalMoments to " "CategoricalMoments with different number of categories" ) return None
[docs]class CategoricalDistribution(MultinomialDistribution): """ Class for the VMP formulas of categorical variables. """
[docs] def __init__(self, categories): """ Create VMP formula node for a categorical variable `categories` is the total number of categories. """ if not isinstance(categories, int): raise ValueError("Number of categories must be integer") if categories < 0: raise ValueError("Number of categoriess must be non-negative") self.D = categories super().__init__(1)
[docs] def compute_fixed_moments_and_f(self, x, mask=True): """ Compute the moments and :math:`f(x)` for a fixed value. """ # Check the validity of x x = np.asanyarray(x) if not misc.isinteger(x): raise ValueError("Values must be integers") if np.any(x < 0) or np.any(x >= self.D): raise ValueError("Invalid category index") # Form a binary matrix with only one non-zero (1) in the last axis u0 = np.zeros((np.size(x), self.D)) u0[(np.arange(np.size(x)), np.ravel(x))] = 1 u0 = np.reshape(u0, np.shape(x) + (self.D,)) u = [u0] # f(x) is zero f = 0 return (u, f)
[docs] def random(self, *phi, plates=None): """ Draw a random sample from the distribution. """ logp = phi[0] logp -= np.amax(logp, axis=-1, keepdims=True) p = np.exp(logp) return random.categorical(p, size=plates)
[docs] def squeeze(self, axis): return self
[docs]class Categorical(ExponentialFamily): r""" Node for categorical random variables. The node models a categorical random variable :math:`x \in \{0,\ldots,K-1\}` with prior probabilities :math:`\{p_0, \ldots, p_{K-1}\}` for each category: .. math:: p(x=k) = p_k \quad \text{for } k\in \{0,\ldots,K-1\}. Parameters ---------- p : Dirichlet-like node or (...,K)-array Probabilities for each category See also -------- Bernoulli, Multinomial, Dirichlet """
[docs] def __init__(self, p, **kwargs): """ Create Categorical node. """ super().__init__(p, **kwargs)
@classmethod def _constructor(cls, p, **kwargs): """ Constructs distribution and moments objects. This method is called if useconstructor decorator is used for __init__. Becase the distribution and moments object depend on the number of categories, that is, they depend on the parent node, this method can be used to construct those objects. """ # Get the number of categories p = cls._ensure_moments(p, DirichletMoments) D = p.dims[0][0] parent_moments = (p._moments,) parents = [p] distribution = CategoricalDistribution(D) moments = CategoricalMoments(D) return (parents, kwargs, moments.dims, cls._total_plates(kwargs.get('plates'), distribution.plates_from_parent(0, p.plates)), distribution, moments, parent_moments) def __str__(self): """ Print the distribution using standard parameterization. """ p = self.u[0] return ("%s ~ Categorical(p)\n" " p = \n" "%s\n" % (, p))