Source code for bayespy.inference.vmp.nodes.gate

# Copyright (C) 2014 Jaakko Luttinen
# This file is licensed under the MIT License.


import numpy as np

from bayespy.utils import misc

from .node import Node, Moments
from .deterministic import Deterministic
from .categorical import CategoricalMoments
from .concatenate import Concatenate

[docs]class Gate(Deterministic): """ Deterministic gating of one node. Gating is performed over one plate axis. Note: You should not use gating for several variables which parents of a same node if the gates use the same gate assignments. In such case, the results will be wrong. The reason is a general one: A stochastic node may not be a parent of another node via several paths unless at most one path has no other stochastic nodes between them. """
[docs] def __init__(self, Z, X, gated_plate=-1, moments=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor for the gating node. Parameters ---------- Z : Categorical-like node A variable which chooses the index along the gated plate axis X : node The node whose plate axis is gated gated_plate : int (optional) The index of the plate axis to be gated (by default, -1, that is, the last axis). """ if gated_plate >= 0: raise ValueError("Cluster plate must be negative integer") self.gated_plate = gated_plate if moments is not None: X = self._ensure_moments( X, moments.__class__, **moments.get_instance_conversion_kwargs() ) if not isinstance(X, Node): raise ValueError("X must be a node or moments should be provided") X_moments = X._moments self._moments = X_moments dims = X.dims if len(X.plates) < abs(gated_plate): raise ValueError("The gated node does not have a plate axis is " "gated") K = X.plates[gated_plate] Z = self._ensure_moments(Z, CategoricalMoments, categories=K) self._parent_moments = (Z._moments, X_moments) if Z.dims != ( (K,), ): raise ValueError("Inconsistent number of clusters") self.K = K super().__init__(Z, X, dims=dims, **kwargs)
def _compute_moments(self, u_Z, u_X): """ """ u = [] for i in range(len(u_X)): # Make the moments of Z and X broadcastable and move the gated plate # to be the last axis in the moments, then sum-product over that # axis ndim = len(self.dims[i]) z = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_Z[0], ndim) z = misc.moveaxis(z, -ndim-1, -1) gated_axis = self.gated_plate - ndim if np.ndim(u_X[i]) < abs(gated_axis): x = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_X[i], 1) else: x = misc.moveaxis(u_X[i], gated_axis, -1) ui = misc.sum_product(z, x, axes_to_sum=-1) u.append(ui) return u def _compute_message_to_parent(self, index, m_child, u_Z, u_X): """ """ if index == 0: m0 = 0 # Compute Child * X, sum over variable axes and move the gated axis # to be the last. Need to do some shape changing in order to make # Child and X to broadcast properly. for i in range(len(m_child)): ndim = len(self.dims[i]) c = m_child[i][...,None] c = misc.moveaxis(c, -1, -ndim-1) gated_axis = self.gated_plate - ndim x = u_X[i] if np.ndim(x) < abs(gated_axis): x = np.expand_dims(x, -ndim-1) else: x = misc.moveaxis(x, gated_axis, -ndim-1) axes = tuple(range(-ndim, 0)) m0 = m0 + misc.sum_product(c, x, axes_to_sum=axes) # Make sure the variable axis does not use broadcasting m0 = m0 * np.ones(self.K) # Send the message m = [m0] return m elif index == 1: m = [] for i in range(len(m_child)): # Make the moments of Z and the message from children # broadcastable. The gated plate is handled as the last axis in # the arrays and moved to the correct position at the end. # Add variable axes to Z moments ndim = len(self.dims[i]) z = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_Z[0], ndim) z = misc.moveaxis(z, -ndim-1, -1) # Axis index of the gated plate gated_axis = self.gated_plate - ndim # Add the gate axis to the message from the children c = misc.add_trailing_axes(m_child[i], 1) # Compute the message to parent mi = z * c # Add extra axes if necessary if np.ndim(mi) < abs(gated_axis): mi = misc.add_leading_axes(mi, abs(gated_axis) - np.ndim(mi)) # Move the axis to the correct position mi = misc.moveaxis(mi, -1, gated_axis) m.append(mi) return m else: raise ValueError("Invalid parent index") def _compute_weights_to_parent(self, index, weights): """ """ if index == 0: return weights elif index == 1: if self.gated_plate >= 0: raise ValueError("Gated plate axis must be negative") return ( np.expand_dims(weights, axis=self.gated_plate) if np.ndim(weights) >= abs(self.gated_plate) else weights ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid parent index") def _compute_plates_to_parent(self, index, plates): """ """ if index == 0: return plates elif index == 1: plates = list(plates) # Add the cluster plate axis if self.gated_plate < 0: knd = len(plates) + self.gated_plate + 1 else: raise RuntimeError("Cluster plate axis must be negative") plates.insert(knd, self.K) return tuple(plates) else: raise ValueError("Invalid parent index") def _compute_plates_from_parent(self, index, plates): """ """ if index == 0: return plates elif index == 1: plates = list(plates) # Remove the cluster plate, if the parent has it if len(plates) >= abs(self.gated_plate): plates.pop(self.gated_plate) return tuple(plates) else: raise ValueError("Invalid parent index")
[docs]def Choose(z, *nodes): """Choose plate elements from nodes based on a categorical variable. For instance: .. testsetup:: from bayespy.nodes import * .. code-block:: python >>> import bayespy as bp >>> z = [0, 0, 2, 1] >>> x0 = bp.nodes.GaussianARD(0, 1) >>> x1 = bp.nodes.GaussianARD(10, 1) >>> x2 = bp.nodes.GaussianARD(20, 1) >>> x = bp.nodes.Choose(z, x0, x1, x2) >>> print(x.get_moments()[0]) [ 0. 0. 20. 10.] This is basically just a thin wrapper over applying Gate node over the concatenation of the nodes. """ categories = len(nodes) z = Deterministic._ensure_moments( z, CategoricalMoments, categories=categories ) nodes = [node[...,None] for node in nodes] combined = Concatenate(*nodes) return Gate(z, combined)