# Copyright (C) 2016 Jaakko Luttinen
# This file is licensed under the MIT License.
import numpy as np
from .node import Moments
from .deterministic import Deterministic
from .stochastic import Stochastic
class DeltaMoments(Moments):
Class for the moments of constants or delta distributed variables
def __init__(self, shape):
self.shape = shape
self.dims = (shape,)
return super().__init__()
def from_values(cls, x, ndim):
if np.ndim(x) < ndim:
raise ValueError("Broadcasting not (yet) supported in DeltaMoments")
if ndim == 0:
return cls(())
return cls(np.shape(x)[-ndim:])
def get_converter(self, moments_to):
if issubclass(DeltaMoments, moments_to):
return lambda x: x
return get_delta_moments_class_converter(moments_to)
def compute_fixed_moments(self, x):
Compute the moments for a fixed value
return [x]
def compute_dims_from_values(self, x):
Return the shape of the moments for a fixed value.
return ((),)
def get_instance_conversion_kwargs(self):
return dict(shape=self.shape)
def get_instance_converter(self, shape):
if shape != self.shape:
raise ValueError()
return None
class DeltaClassConverterMoments(Moments):
def __init__(self, x, moments_class):
self.x = x
self.moments_class = moments_class
def get_instance_conversion_kwargs(self):
return dict(i_am_delta=True)
def get_instance_converter(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('i_am_delta'):
return None
moments = self.moments_class.from_values(
return DeltaInstanceConverter(moments)
def get_delta_moments_class_converter(moments_class):
class DeltaClassConverter(Deterministic):
def __init__(self, node):
self._parent_moments = (node._moments,)
self._moments = DeltaClassConverterMoments(node, moments_class)
return super().__init__(node, dims=((),))
def _compute_moments(self, u):
return u
def _compute_message_to_parent(self, index, m, u):
return m
return DeltaClassConverter
class DeltaInstanceConverter():
def __init__(self, moments):
self.moments = moments
def compute_moments(self, u):
return self.moments.compute_fixed_moments(u[0])
def compute_message_to_parent(self, m, u_parent):
x = u_parent[0]
(u, du) = self.moments.compute_fixed_moments(x, gradient=m)
return [du]
def compute_weights_to_parent(self, weights):
return 1
def plates_multiplier_from_parent(self, plates_multiplier):
return ()
def plates_from_parent(self, plates):
return self.moments.plates_from_shape(plates)
def plates_to_parent(self, plates):
return self.moments.shape_from_plates(plates)
class MaximumLikelihood(Stochastic):
_parent_moments = ()
def __init__(self, array, regularization=None, **kwargs):
self._x = array
self._moments = DeltaMoments(np.shape(array))
self._regularization = regularization
return super().__init__(
dims=( (), ),
def _get_id_list(self):
return []
def get_moments(self):
return [self._x]
def lower_bound_contribution(self, ignore_masked=None):
if self._regularization is None:
return 0
return -np.sum(self._regularization(self._x))
def get_riemannian_gradient(self):
m_children = self._message_from_children(u_self=self.get_moments())
g = m_children
return g
def get_gradient(self, rg):
return rg
def get_parameters(self):
return [self._x]
def set_parameters(self, x):
if len(x) != 1:
raise Exception("Wrong number of parameters. Should be 1, is {0}".format(len(x)))
self._x = x[0]
def _update_distribution_and_lowerbound(self, m):
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Function(Deterministic):
[docs] def __init__(self, function, *nodes_gradients, shape=None, **kwargs):
self._function = function
(nodes, gradients) = zip(*nodes_gradients)
self._parent_moments = tuple(node._moments for node in nodes)
self._gradients = gradients
if shape is None:
# Shape wasn't given explicitly. Computes the output value once to
# determine the shape.
y = self._compute_moments(
for node in nodes
shape = np.shape(y[0])
self._moments = DeltaMoments(shape)
return super().__init__(*nodes, dims=((),), **kwargs)
def _compute_moments(self, *u_nodes):
x = [u[0] for u in u_nodes]
return [self._function(*x)]
def _compute_message_to_parent(self, index, m, *u_nodes):
x = [u[0] for u in u_nodes]
return [self._gradients[index](m[0], *x)]
def _compute_weights_to_parent(self, index, mask):
return 1
def _compute_plates_from_parent(self, index, plates):
return self._moments.shape
def _compute_plates_to_parent(self, index, plates):
return self.parents[index].plates