Source code for bayespy.inference.vmp.nodes.beta

# Copyright (C) 2014 Jaakko Luttinen
# This file is licensed under the MIT License.

A module for the beta distribution node

import numpy as np
import scipy.special as special

from .deterministic import Deterministic
from .dirichlet import (DirichletMoments,

from .node import Moments, ensureparents

[docs]class BetaMoments(DirichletMoments): """ Class for the moments of beta variables. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__(2)
[docs] def compute_fixed_moments(self, p): """ Compute the moments for a fixed value """ p = np.asanyarray(p)[...,None] * [1,-1] + [0,1] self.dims = ( (2,), ) return super().compute_fixed_moments(p)
[docs] @classmethod def from_values(cls, p): """ Return the shape of the moments for a fixed value. """ return cls()
[docs]class BetaDistribution(DirichletDistribution): """ Class for the VMP formulas of beta variables. Although the realizations are scalars (probability p), the moments is a two-dimensional vector: [log(p), log(1-p)]. """
[docs] def compute_message_to_parent(self, parent, index, u_self, u_alpha): """ Compute the message to a parent node. """ return super().compute_message_to_parent(parent, index, u_self, u_alpha)
[docs] def compute_phi_from_parents(self, u_alpha, mask=True): """ Compute the natural parameter vector given parent moments. """ return super().compute_phi_from_parents(u_alpha, mask=mask)
[docs] def compute_moments_and_cgf(self, phi, mask=True): """ Compute the moments and :math:`g(\phi)`. """ return super().compute_moments_and_cgf(phi, mask)
[docs] def compute_cgf_from_parents(self, u_alpha): """ Compute :math:`\mathrm{E}_{q(p)}[g(p)]` """ return super().compute_cgf_from_parents(u_alpha)
[docs] def compute_fixed_moments_and_f(self, p, mask=True): """ Compute the moments and :math:`f(x)` for a fixed value. """ p = np.asanyarray(p)[...,None] * [1,-1] + [0,1] return super().compute_fixed_moments_and_f(p, mask=mask)
[docs] def random(self, *phi, plates=None): """ Draw a random sample from the distribution. """ p = super().random(*phi, plates=plates) return p[...,0]
[docs]class Beta(Dirichlet): r""" Node for beta random variables. The node models a probability variable :math:`p \in [0,1]` as .. math:: p \sim \mathrm{Beta}(a, b) where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are prior counts for success and failure, respectively. Parameters ---------- alpha : (...,2)-shaped array Two-element vector containing :math:`a` and :math:`b` Examples -------- >>> import warnings >>> warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) >>> from bayespy.nodes import Bernoulli, Beta >>> p = Beta([1e-3, 1e-3]) >>> z = Bernoulli(p, plates=(10,)) >>> z.observe([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]) >>> p.update() >>> import bayespy.plot as bpplt >>> import numpy as np >>> bpplt.pdf(p, np.linspace(0, 1, num=100)) [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x...>] """ _moments = BetaMoments() _distribution = BetaDistribution()
[docs] def __init__(self, alpha, **kwargs): """ Create beta node """ super().__init__(alpha, **kwargs)
@classmethod def _constructor(cls, alpha, **kwargs): """ Constructs distribution and moments objects. """ retval = super()._constructor(alpha, **kwargs) if retval[2] != cls._moments.dims: raise ValueError("Parent has wrong dimensionality. Must be a " "two-dimensional vector.") return ( retval[0], retval[1], retval[2], retval[3], cls._distribution, cls._moments, retval[6] )
[docs] def complement(self): return Complement(self)
def __str__(self): """ Print the distribution using standard parameterization. """ a = self.phi[0][...,0] b = self.phi[0][...,1] return ("%s ~ Beta(a, b)\n" " a = \n" "%s\n" " b = \n" "%s\n" % (, a, b))
class Complement(Deterministic): """ Perform 1-p where p is a Beta node. """ _moments = BetaMoments() _parent_moments = (BetaMoments(),) def __init__(self, p, **kwargs): super().__init__(p, dims=p.dims, **kwargs) def _compute_message_to_parent(self, index, m, u_p): if index != 0: raise IndexError() m0 = m[0][...,-1::-1] return [m0] def _compute_moments(self, u_p): u0 = u_p[0][...,-1::-1] return [u0]