Source code for bayespy.utils.random

# Copyright (C) 2013 Jaakko Luttinen
# This file is licensed under the MIT License.

General functions random sampling and distributions.

import numpy as np
from scipy import special

from . import linalg
from . import misc

[docs]def intervals(N, length, amount=1, gap=0): r""" Return random non-overlapping parts of a sequence. For instance, N=16, length=2 and amount=4: [0, |1, 2|, 3, 4, 5, |6, 7|, 8, 9, |10, 11|, |12, 13|, 14, 15] that is, [1,2,6,7,10,11,12,13] However, the function returns only the indices of the beginning of the sequences, that is, in the example: [1,6,10,12] """ if length * amount + gap * (amount-1) > N: raise ValueError("Too short sequence") # In practice, we draw the sizes of the gaps between the sequences total_gap = N - length*amount - gap*(amount-1) gaps = np.random.multinomial(total_gap, np.ones(amount+1)/(amount+1)) # And then we get the beginning index of each sequence intervals = np.cumsum(gaps[:-1]) + np.arange(amount)*(length+gap) return intervals
[docs]def mask(*shape, p=0.5): r""" Return a boolean array of the given shape. Parameters ---------- d0, d1, ..., dn : int Shape of the output. p : value in range [0,1] A probability that the elements are `True`. """ return np.random.rand(*shape) < p
[docs]def wishart(nu, V): r""" Draw a random sample from the Wishart distribution. Parameters ---------- nu : int """ # TODO/FIXME: Are these correct.. D = np.shape(V)[0] if nu < D: raise ValueError("Degrees of freedom must be equal or greater than the " "dimensionality of the matrix.") X = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(D), V, size=nu) return, X.T)
wishart_rand = wishart
[docs]def invwishart_rand(nu, V): # TODO/FIXME: Are these correct.. return np.linalg.inv(wishart_rand(nu, V))
[docs]def covariance(D, size=(), nu=None): r""" Draw a random covariance matrix. Draws from inverse-Wishart distribution. The distribution of each element is independent of the dimensionality of the matrix. C ~ Inv-W(I, D) Parameters ---------- D : int Dimensionality of the covariance matrix. Returns: -------- C : (D,D) ndarray Positive-definite symmetric :math:`D\times D` matrix. """ if nu is None: nu = D if nu < D: raise ValueError("nu must be greater than or equal to D") try: size = tuple(size) except TypeError: size = (size,) shape = size + (D,nu) C = np.random.randn(*shape) C =, np.swapaxes(C, -1, -2)) / nu return linalg.inv(C)
#return np.linalg.inv(, C.T))
[docs]def correlation(D): r""" Draw a random correlation matrix. """ X = np.random.randn(D,D); s = np.sqrt(np.sum(X**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True)) X = X / s return, X.T)
[docs]def gaussian_logpdf(yVy, yVmu, muVmu, logdet_V, D): r""" Log-density of a Gaussian distribution. :math:`\mathcal{G}(\mathbf{y}|\boldsymbol{\mu},\mathbf{V}^{-1})` Parameters ----------- yVy : ndarray or double :math:`\mathbf{y}^T\mathbf{Vy}` yVmu : ndarray or double :math:`\mathbf{y}^T\mathbf{V}\boldsymbol{\mu}` muVmu : ndarray or double :math:`\boldsymbol{\mu}^T\mathbf{V}\boldsymbol{\mu}` logdet_V : ndarray or double Log-determinant of the precision matrix, :math:`\log|\mathbf{V}|`. D : int Dimensionality of the distribution. """ return -0.5*yVy + yVmu - 0.5*muVmu + 0.5*logdet_V - 0.5*D*np.log(2*np.pi)
[docs]def gaussian_entropy(logdet_V, D): r""" Compute the entropy of a Gaussian distribution. If you want to get the gradient, just let each parameter be a gradient of that term. Parameters ---------- logdet_V : ndarray or double The log-determinant of the precision matrix. D : int The dimensionality of the distribution. """ return -0.5*logdet_V + 0.5*D + 0.5*D*np.log(2*np.pi)
[docs]def gamma_logpdf(bx, logx, a_logx, a_logb, gammaln_a): r""" Log-density of :math:`\mathcal{G}(x|a,b)`. If you want to get the gradient, just let each parameter be a gradient of that term. Parameters ---------- bx : ndarray :math:`bx` logx : ndarray :math:`\log(x)` a_logx : ndarray :math:`a \log(x)` a_logb : ndarray :math:`a \log(b)` gammaln_a : ndarray :math:`\log\Gamma(a)` """ return a_logb - gammaln_a + a_logx - logx - bx
#def gamma_logpdf(a, log_b, gammaln_a,
[docs]def gamma_entropy(a, log_b, gammaln_a, psi_a, a_psi_a): r""" Entropy of :math:`\mathcal{G}(a,b)`. If you want to get the gradient, just let each parameter be a gradient of that term. Parameters ---------- a : ndarray :math:`a` log_b : ndarray :math:`\log(b)` gammaln_a : ndarray :math:`\log\Gamma(a)` psi_a : ndarray :math:`\psi(a)` a_psi_a : ndarray :math:`a\psi(a)` """ return a - log_b + gammaln_a + psi_a - a_psi_a
[docs]def orth(D): r""" Draw random orthogonal matrix. """ Q = np.random.randn(D,D) (Q, _) = np.linalg.qr(Q) return Q
[docs]def svd(s): r""" Draw a random matrix given its singular values. """ D = len(s) U = orth(D) * s V = orth(D) return, V.T)
[docs]def sphere(N=1): r""" Draw random points uniformly on a unit sphere. Returns (latitude,longitude) in degrees. """ lon = np.random.uniform(-180, 180, N) lat = (np.arccos(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, N)) * 180 / np.pi) - 90 return (lat, lon)
[docs]def bernoulli(p, size=None): r""" Draw random samples from the Bernoulli distribution. """ if isinstance(size, int): size = (size,) if size is None: size = np.shape(p) return (np.random.rand(*size) < p)
[docs]def categorical(p, size=None): r""" Draw random samples from a categorical distribution. """ if size is None: size = np.shape(p)[:-1] if isinstance(size, int): size = (size,) if np.any(np.asanyarray(p)<0): raise ValueError("Array contains negative probabilities") if not misc.is_shape_subset(np.shape(p)[:-1], size): raise ValueError("Probability array shape and requested size are " "inconsistent") size = tuple(size) # Normalize probabilities p = p / np.sum(p, axis=-1, keepdims=True) # Compute cumulative probabilities (p_1, p_1+p_2, ..., p_1+...+p_N): P = np.cumsum(p, axis=-1) # Draw samples from interval [0,1] x = np.random.rand(*size) # For simplicity, repeat p to the size of the output (plus probability axis) K = np.shape(p)[-1] P = P * np.ones(tuple(size)+(K,)) if size == (): z = np.searchsorted(P, x) else: # Seach the indices z = np.zeros(size) inds = misc.nested_iterator(size) for ind in inds: z[ind] = np.searchsorted(P[ind], x[ind]) return z.astype(int)
[docs]def multinomial(n, p, size=None): plates_n = np.shape(n) plates_p = np.shape(p)[:-1] k = np.shape(p)[-1] if size is None: size = misc.broadcasted_shape(plates_n, plates_p) if not misc.is_shape_subset(plates_n, size): raise ValueError("Shape of n does not broadcast to the given size") if not misc.is_shape_subset(plates_p, size): raise ValueError("Shape of p does not broadcast to the given size") # This isn't a very efficient implementation. One could use NumPy's # multinomial once for all those plates for which n and p is the same. n = np.broadcast_to(n, size) p = np.broadcast_to(p, size + (k,)) x = np.empty(size + (k,)) for i in misc.nested_iterator(size): x[i] = np.random.multinomial(n[i], p[i]) return x.astype(int)
[docs]def gamma(a, b, size=None): x = np.random.gamma(a, b, size=size) if np.any(x == 0): raise RuntimeError( "Numerically zero samples. Try using a larger shape parameter in " "the gamma distribution." ) return x
[docs]def dirichlet(alpha, size=None): r""" Draw random samples from the Dirichlet distribution. """ if isinstance(size, int): size = (size,) if size is None: size = np.shape(alpha) else: size = size + np.shape(alpha)[-1:] p = np.random.gamma(alpha, size=size) sump = np.sum(p, axis=-1, keepdims=True) if np.any(sump == 0): raise RuntimeError( "Numerically zero samples. Try using a larger Dirichlet " "concentration parameter value." ) p /= sump return p
[docs]def logodds_to_probability(x): r""" Solves p from log(p/(1-p)) """ return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
[docs]def alpha_beta_recursion(logp0, logP): r""" Compute alpha-beta recursion for Markov chain Initial state log-probabilities are in `p0` and state transition log-probabilities are in P. The probabilities do not need to be scaled to sum to one, but they are interpreted as below: logp0 = log P(z_0) + log P(y_0|z_0) logP[...,n,:,:] = log P(z_{n+1}|z_n) + log P(y_{n+1}|z_{n+1}) """ logp0 = misc.atleast_nd(logp0, 1) logP = misc.atleast_nd(logP, 3) D = np.shape(logp0)[-1] N = np.shape(logP)[-3] plates = misc.broadcasted_shape(np.shape(logp0)[:-1], np.shape(logP)[:-3]) if np.shape(logP)[-2:] != (D,D): raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch %s != %s" % (np.shape(logP)[-2:], (D,D))) # # Run the recursion algorithm # # Allocate memory logalpha = np.zeros(plates+(N,D)) logbeta = np.zeros(plates+(N,D)) g = np.zeros(plates) # Forward recursion logalpha[...,0,:] = logp0 for n in range(1,N): # Compute: P(z_{n-1},z_n|x_1,...,x_n) v = logalpha[...,n-1,:,None] + logP[...,n-1,:,:] c = misc.logsumexp(v, axis=(-1,-2)) # Sum over z_{n-1} to get: log P(z_n|x_1,...,x_n) logalpha[...,n,:] = misc.logsumexp(v - c[...,None,None], axis=-2) g -= c # Compute the normalization of the last term v = logalpha[...,N-1,:,None] + logP[...,N-1,:,:] g -= misc.logsumexp(v, axis=(-1,-2)) # Backward recursion logbeta[...,N-1,:] = 0 for n in reversed(range(N-1)): v = logbeta[...,n+1,None,:] + logP[...,n+1,:,:] c = misc.logsumexp(v, axis=(-1,-2)) logbeta[...,n,:] = misc.logsumexp(v - c[...,None,None], axis=-1) v = logalpha[...,:,:,None] + logbeta[...,:,None,:] + logP[...,:,:,:] c = misc.logsumexp(v, axis=(-1,-2)) zz = np.exp(v - c[...,None,None]) # The logsumexp normalization is not numerically accurate, so do # normalization again: zz /= np.sum(zz, axis=(-1,-2), keepdims=True) z0 = np.sum(zz[...,0,:,:], axis=-1) z0 /= np.sum(z0, axis=-1, keepdims=True) return (z0, zz, g)
[docs]def gaussian_gamma_to_t(mu, Cov, a, b, ndim=1): r""" Integrates gamma distribution to obtain parameters of t distribution """ alpha = a/b nu = 2*a S = Cov / misc.add_trailing_axes(alpha, 2*ndim) return (mu, S, nu)
[docs]def t_logpdf(z2, logdet_cov, nu, D): r""" """ return (special.gammaln((nu+D)/2) - special.gammaln(nu/2) - 0.5 * D * np.log(nu*np.pi) - 0.5 * logdet_cov - 0.5 * (nu+D) * np.log(1 + z2/nu))