General numerical functions and methods.
Transpose the matrix. |
Construct a symmetric block-banded matrix. |
Form a block diagonal array from the given arrays. |
Explicitly broadcast arrays to same shapes. |
Computes the resulting broadcasted shape for a given set of shapes. |
Computes the resulting broadcasted shape for a given set of arrays. |
Compute the plate multiplier for given shapes. |
Compute a divided by b and rounded up. |
Construct a function composition from a list of functions. |
Concatenate arrays along a given axis. |
Create a diagonal array given the diagonal elements. |
Given set sizes and an index, returns the index of the set |
Get the diagonal of an array. |
Returns meshgrid as a (M*N,2)-shape array. |
Inverse gamma function. |
Inverse digamma (psi) function. |
Compute log(sum(exp(X)) in a numerically stable way |
Returns the derivative of the log of multivariate gamma. |
Create a diagonal array given the diagonal elements. |
Make tuples equal length. |
Add trailing unit axes so that arrays have equal ndim |
Compute the mean, ignoring NaNs. |
Move the axis axis_from to position axis_to. |
Returns the derivative of the log of multivariate gamma. |
Compute element-wise product of lists/tuples. |
Compute exp(phi) so that exp(phi) sums to one. |
Parse command line arguments of style "--parameter=value". |
A kind of inverse mapping of np.take |
An inverse operation of np.take with accumulation and broadcasting. |
Makes sure that indices are valid for given shape. |
Remove leading axes that have unit length. |
Compute the product of the arguments and sum to the target shape. |
Sum leading axes of A such that A has dim dimensions. |
Sum axes of the array such that the resulting shape is as given. |
Make X symmetric. |
Remove duplicate items from a list while preserving order. |
Writes the given array into the HDF5 file. |
Combines lists by alternating elements from them. |
Simple base class for unit testing. |