Source code for bayespy.utils.linalg

# Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Jaakko Luttinen
# This file is licensed under the MIT License.

General numerical functions and methods.


import itertools
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
#import scipy.linalg.decomp_cholesky as decomp
import scipy.linalg as linalg
import scipy.special as special
import scipy.optimize as optimize
import scipy.sparse as sparse
#import scikits.sparse.cholmod as cholmod

#import numpy.linalg._gufuncs_linalg as gula
#import numpy.core.gufuncs_linalg as gula

from . import misc

[docs]def chol(C, ndim=1): if sparse.issparse(C): if ndim != 1: raise NotImplementedError() # Sparse Cholesky decomposition (returns a Factor object) return cholmod.cholesky(C) else: # Computes Cholesky decomposition for a collection of matrices. # The last 2*ndim axes of C are considered as the matrix. if ndim == 0: return np.sqrt(C) shape_original = np.shape(C)[-ndim:] C = ( C if ndim == 1 else misc.flatten_axes(C, ndim, ndim) ) if np.shape(C)[-1] != np.shape(C)[-2]: raise ValueError("Not square matrix w.r.t. ndim sense") U = np.empty(np.shape(C)) for i in misc.nested_iterator(np.shape(U)[:-2]): try: # Handle (0, 0) matrices. See: # U[i] = ( np.empty((0,0)) if np.size(C[i]) == 0 else linalg.cho_factor(C[i])[0] ) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: raise Exception("Matrix not positive definite") return ( U if ndim == 1 else misc.reshape_axes(U, shape_original, shape_original) )
[docs]def chol_solve(U, b, out=None, matrix=False, ndim=1): if isinstance(U, np.ndarray) or np.isscalar(U): if sparse.issparse(b): b = b.toarray() if ndim == 0: return (b / U) / U shape = np.shape(U)[-ndim:] U = ( U if ndim == 1 else misc.flatten_axes(U, ndim, ndim) ) if matrix: shape_b = np.shape(b)[-ndim:] B = ( b if ndim == 1 else misc.flatten_axes(b, ndim, ndim) ) B = transpose(B, ndim=1) U = U[...,None,:,:] else: B = ( b if ndim == 1 else misc.flatten_axes(b, ndim) ) # Allocate memory sh_u = U.shape[:-2] sh_b = B.shape[:-1] l_u = len(sh_u) l_b = len(sh_b) # Check which axis are iterated over with B along with U ind_b = [slice(None)] * l_b l_min = min(l_u, l_b) jnd_b = tuple(i for i in range(-l_min,0) if sh_b[i]==sh_u[i]) if out == None: # Shape of the result (broadcasting rules) sh = misc.broadcasted_shape(sh_u, sh_b) #out = np.zeros(np.shape(B)) out = np.zeros(sh + B.shape[-1:]) for i in misc.nested_iterator(np.shape(U)[:-2]): # The goal is to run Cholesky solver once for all vectors of B # for which the matrices of U are the same (according to the # broadcasting rules). Thus, we collect all the axes of B for # which U is singleton and form them as a 2-D matrix and then # run the solver once. # Select those axes of B for which U and B are not singleton for j in jnd_b: ind_b[j] = i[j] # Collect all the axes for which U is singleton b = B[tuple(ind_b) + (slice(None),)] # Reshape it to a 2-D (or 1-D) array orig_shape = b.shape if b.ndim > 1: b = b.reshape((-1, b.shape[-1])) # slice(None) to all preceeding axes and ellipsis for the last # axis: if len(ind_b) < len(sh): ind_out = (slice(None),) + tuple(ind_b) + (slice(None),) else: ind_out = tuple(ind_b) + (slice(None),) out[ind_out] = ( # Handle (0, 0) matrices. See: # np.empty(orig_shape) if np.size(U[i]) == 0 else linalg.cho_solve( (U[i], False), b.T ).T.reshape(orig_shape) ) if matrix: out = transpose(out, ndim=1) out = ( out if ndim == 1 else misc.reshape_axes(out, shape, shape_b) ) else: out = ( out if ndim == 1 else misc.reshape_axes(out, shape) ) return out elif isinstance(U, cholmod.Factor): if ndim != 1: raise NotImplementedError() if matrix: raise NotImplementedError() if sparse.issparse(b): b = b.toarray() return U.solve_A(b) else: raise ValueError("Unknown type of Cholesky factor")
[docs]def chol_inv(U, ndim=1): if isinstance(U, np.ndarray) or np.isscalar(U): if ndim == 0: return (1 / U) / U shape = np.shape(U)[-ndim:] U = ( U if ndim == 1 else misc.flatten_axes(U, ndim, ndim) ) # Allocate memory V = np.tile(np.identity(np.shape(U)[-1]), np.shape(U)[:-2]+(1,1)) for i in misc.nested_iterator(np.shape(U)[:-2]): V[i] = ( # Handle (0, 0) matrices. See: # np.empty((0, 0)) if np.size(V[i]) == 0 else linalg.cho_solve( (U[i], False), V[i], overwrite_b=True # This would need Fortran order ) ) V = ( V if ndim == 1 else misc.reshape_axes(V, shape, shape) ) return V elif isinstance(U, cholmod.Factor): raise NotImplementedError if ndim != 1: raise NotImplementedError() else: raise ValueError("Unknown type of Cholesky factor")
[docs]def chol_logdet(U, ndim=1): if isinstance(U, np.ndarray) or np.isscalar(U): if ndim == 0: return 2 * np.log(U) U = ( U if ndim == 1 else misc.flatten_axes(U, ndim, ndim) ) return 2*np.sum(np.log(np.einsum('...ii->...i',U)), axis=-1) elif isinstance(U, cholmod.Factor): if ndim != 1: raise NotImplementedError() return np.sum(np.log(U.D())) else: raise ValueError("Unknown type of Cholesky factor")
[docs]def logdet_chol(U): if isinstance(U, np.ndarray): # Computes Cholesky decomposition for a collection of matrices. return 2*np.sum(np.log(np.einsum('...ii->...i', U)), axis=(-1,)) elif isinstance(U, cholmod.Factor): return np.sum(np.log(U.D()))
[docs]def logdet_tri(R): """ Logarithm of the absolute value of the determinant of a triangular matrix. """ return np.sum(np.log(np.abs(np.einsum('...ii->...i', R))))
[docs]def logdet_cov(C, ndim=1): return chol_logdet(chol(C, ndim=ndim), ndim=ndim)
[docs]def solve_triangular(U, B, ndim=1, **kwargs): if ndim != 1: raise NotImplementedError("Not yet implemented for ndim!=1") # Allocate memory U = np.atleast_2d(U) B = np.atleast_1d(B) sh_u = U.shape[:-2] sh_b = B.shape[:-1] l_u = len(sh_u) l_b = len(sh_b) # Check which axis are iterated over with B along with U ind_b = [slice(None)] * l_b l_min = min(l_u, l_b) jnd_b = tuple(i for i in range(-l_min,0) if sh_b[i]==sh_u[i]) # Shape of the result (broadcasting rules) sh = misc.broadcasted_shape(sh_u, sh_b) out = np.zeros(sh + B.shape[-1:]) for i in misc.nested_iterator(np.shape(U)[:-2]): # The goal is to run triangular solver once for all vectors of # B for which the matrices of U are the same (according to the # broadcasting rules). Thus, we collect all the axes of B for # which U is singleton and form them as a 2-D matrix and then # run the solver once. # Select those axes of B for which U and B are not singleton for j in jnd_b: ind_b[j] = i[j] # Collect all the axes for which U is singleton b = B[tuple(ind_b) + (slice(None),)] # Reshape it to a 2-D (or 1-D) array orig_shape = b.shape if b.ndim > 1: b = b.reshape((-1, b.shape[-1])) # slice(None) to all preceeding axes and ellipsis for the last # axis: if len(ind_b) < len(sh): ind_out = (slice(None),) + tuple(ind_b) + (slice(None),) else: ind_out = tuple(ind_b) + (slice(None),) out[ind_out] = linalg.solve_triangular(U[i], b.T, **kwargs).T.reshape(orig_shape) return out
[docs]def inner(*args, ndim=1): """ Compute inner product. The number of arrays is arbitrary. The number of dimensions is arbitrary. """ axes = tuple(range(-ndim,0)) return misc.sum_product(*args, axes_to_sum=axes)
[docs]def outer(A, B, ndim=1): """ Computes outer product over the last axes of A and B. The other axes are broadcasted. Thus, if A has shape (..., N) and B has shape (..., M), then the result has shape (..., N, M). Using the argument `ndim` it is possible to change that how many axes trailing axes are used for the outer product. For instance, if ndim=3, A and B have shapes (...,N1,N2,N3) and (...,M1,M2,M3), the result has shape (...,N1,M1,N2,M2,N3,M3). """ if not isinstance(ndim, int) or ndim < 0: raise ValueError('ndim must be non-negative integer') if ndim > 0: if ndim > np.ndim(A): raise ValueError('Argument ndim larger than ndim of the first ' 'parameter') if ndim > np.ndim(B): raise ValueError('Argument ndim larger than ndim of the second ' 'parameter') shape_A = np.shape(A) + (1,)*ndim shape_B = np.shape(B)[:-ndim] + (1,)*ndim + np.shape(B)[-ndim:] A = np.reshape(A, shape_A) B = np.reshape(B, shape_B) return np.asanyarray(A) * np.asanyarray(B)
def _dot(A, B): """ Dot product which handles broadcasting properly. Future NumPy will have a better built-in implementation for this. """ A_plates = np.shape(A)[:-2] B_plates = np.shape(B)[:-2] M = np.shape(A)[-2] N = np.shape(B)[-1] Y_plates = misc.broadcasted_shape(A_plates, B_plates) if Y_plates == (): return, B) indices = misc.nested_iterator(Y_plates) Y_shape = Y_plates + (M, N) Y = np.zeros(Y_shape) for i in indices: Y[i] =[misc.safe_indices(i, A_plates)], B[misc.safe_indices(i, B_plates)]) return Y
[docs]def dot(*arrays): """ Compute matrix-matrix product. You can give multiple arrays, the dot product is computed from left to right: A1*A2*A3*...*AN. The dot product is computed over the last two axes of each arrays. All other axes must be broadcastable. """ if len(arrays) == 0: return 0 else: Y = np.asanyarray(arrays[0]) for X in arrays[1:]: X = np.asanyarray(X) if np.ndim(Y) < 2 or np.ndim(X) < 2: raise ValueError("Must be at least 2-D arrays") if np.shape(Y)[-1] != np.shape(X)[-2]: raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match") # Replace this with when NumPy implements broadcasting in dot Y = _dot(Y, X) #Y = np.einsum('...ik,...kj->...ij', Y, X) #Y = gula.matrix_multiply(Y, X) return Y
[docs]def tracedot(A, B): """ Computes trace(A*B). """ return np.einsum('...ij,...ji->...', A, B)
[docs]def inv(A, ndim=1): """ General array inversion. Supports broadcasting and inversion of multidimensional arrays. For instance, an array with shape (4,3,2,3,2) could mean that there are four (3*2) x (3*2) matrices to be inverted. This can be done by inv(A, ndim=2). For inverting scalars, ndim=0. For inverting matrices, ndim=1. """ A = np.asanyarray(A) if ndim == 0: return 1 / A elif ndim == 1: return np.linalg.inv(A) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def mvdot(A, b, ndim=1): """ Compute matrix-vector product. Applies broadcasting. """ # TODO/FIXME: A bug in inner1d: # # # b = np.asanyarray(b) # return gula.inner1d(A, b[...,np.newaxis,:]) # # Use einsum instead: if ndim > 0: b = misc.add_axes(b, num=ndim, axis=-1-ndim) return inner(A, b, ndim=ndim)
## if ndim != 1: ## raise NotImplementedError("mvdot not yet implemented for ndim!=1") ## return _dot(A, b[...,None])[...,0] ## #return np.einsum('...ik,...k->...i', A, b)
[docs]def mmdot(A, B, ndim=1): """ Compute matrix-matrix product. Applies broadcasting. """ if ndim == 0: return A * B elif ndim == 1: return _dot(A, B) else: raise Exception("mmdot not yet implemented for ndim>1")
#return np.einsum('...ik,...kj->...ij', A, B)
[docs]def transpose(X, ndim=1): """ Transpose the matrix. """ for n in range(ndim): X = np.swapaxes(X, -1-n, -1-ndim-n) return X
## if ndim != 1: ## raise Exception("transpose not yet implemented for ndim!=1") ## return np.swapaxes(X, -1, -2)
[docs]def m_dot(A,b): raise DeprecationWarning() # Compute matrix-vector product over the last two axes of A and # the last axes of b. Other axes are broadcasted. If A has shape # (..., M, N) and b has shape (..., N), then the result has shape # (..., M) #b = reshape(b, shape(b)[:-1] + (1,) + shape(b)[-1:]) #return, b) return np.einsum('...ik,...k->...i', A, b)
# TODO: Use einsum!! #return np.sum(A*b[...,np.newaxis,:], axis=(-1,))
[docs]def block_banded_solve(A, B, y): """ Invert symmetric, banded, positive-definite matrix. A contains the diagonal blocks. B contains the superdiagonal blocks (their transposes are the subdiagonal blocks). Shapes: A: (..., N, D, D) B: (..., N-1, D, D) y: (..., N, D) The algorithm is basically LU decomposition. Computes only the diagonal and super-diagonal blocks of the inverse. The true inverse is dense, in general. Assume each block has the same size. Return: * inverse blocks * solution to the system * log-determinant """ # Number of time instance and dimensionality N = np.shape(y)[-2] D = np.shape(y)[-1] # Check the shape of the diagonal blocks if np.shape(A)[-3] != N: raise ValueError("The number of diagonal blocks is incorrect") if np.shape(A)[-2:] != (D,D): raise ValueError("The diagonal blocks have wrong shape") # Check the shape of the super-diagonal blocks if np.shape(B)[-3] != N-1: raise ValueError("The number of super-diagonal blocks is incorrect") if np.shape(B)[-2:] != (D,D): raise ValueError("The diagonal blocks have wrong shape") plates_VC = misc.broadcasted_shape(np.shape(A)[:-3], np.shape(B)[:-3]) plates_y = misc.broadcasted_shape(plates_VC, np.shape(y)[:-2]) V = np.empty(plates_VC+(N,D,D)) C = np.empty(plates_VC+(N-1,D,D)) x = np.empty(plates_y+(N,D)) # # Forward recursion # # In the forward recursion, store the Cholesky factor in V. So you # don't need to recompute them in the backward recursion. # TODO: This whole algorithm could be implemented as in-place operation. # Might be a nice feature (optional?) # TODO/FIXME: chol_solve has quite a high overhead because it uses shape # manipulations. Use some more raw method instead. x[...,0,:] = y[...,0,:] V[...,0,:,:] = chol(A[...,0,:,:]) ldet = chol_logdet(V[...,0,:,:]) for n in range(N-1): # Compute the solution of the system x[...,n+1,:] = (y[...,n+1,:] - mvdot(misc.T(B[...,n,:,:]), chol_solve(V[...,n,:,:], x[...,n,:]))) # Compute the superdiagonal block of the inverse C[...,n,:,:] = chol_solve(V[...,n,:,:], B[...,n,:,:], matrix=True) # Compute the diagonal block V[...,n+1,:,:] = (A[...,n+1,:,:] - mmdot(misc.T(B[...,n,:,:]), C[...,n,:,:])) # Ensure symmetry by 0.5*(V+V.T) V[...,n+1,:,:] = 0.5 * (V[...,n+1,:,:] + misc.T(V[...,n+1,:,:])) # Compute and store the Cholesky factor of the diagonal block V[...,n+1,:,:] = chol(V[...,n+1,:,:]) # Compute the log-det term here, too ldet += chol_logdet(V[...,n+1,:,:]) # # Backward recursion # x[...,-1,:] = chol_solve(V[...,-1,:,:], x[...,-1,:]) V[...,-1,:,:] = chol_inv(V[...,-1,:,:]) for n in reversed(range(N-1)): # Compute the solution of the system x[...,n,:] = chol_solve(V[...,n,:,:], x[...,n,:] - mvdot(B[...,n,:,:], x[...,n+1,:])) # Compute the diagonal block of the inverse V[...,n,:,:] = (chol_inv(V[...,n,:,:]) + mmdot(C[...,n,:,:], mmdot(V[...,n+1,:,:], misc.T(C[...,n,:,:])))) C[...,n,:,:] = - mmdot(C[...,n,:,:], V[...,n+1,:,:]) # Ensure symmetry by 0.5*(V+V.T) V[...,n,:,:] = 0.5 * (V[...,n,:,:] + misc.T(V[...,n,:,:])) return (V, C, x, ldet)